I was at the Minnesota Twins game last night with Doug, a good friend of mine.
We were fortunate to see them win in extra innings in a very exciting fashion. I was pretty excited, but Doug (as he always is) was fully engaged in the moment, celebrating and high-fiving me and the loud strangers behind us.
This simple act of being fully present and taking those few moments to deeply engage in celebration was transformational to me.

This was a reminder of how I struggle to pause and celebrate positive events. Don’t get me wrong — I am happy they happened — but that is different than allowing myself to feel the full weight of the moment.
How is this for you?
When good things happen in your life, work, and leadership, I want to encourage you to take a pause and just let it soak in — to internalize that good feeling.
If you’re like me, you have no problem internalizing the negative; so to offset that I have found the need to be more intentional about internalizing the positive.
What are those positive things in your world you need to internalize?
One of those things for me is my upcoming book. I have been sharing information about it, but I want you all to know (as the “peeps in my jeep”) that I am frickin’ excited about it — and I want to give myself latitude to truly enjoy the journey and celebrate its creation! 🎉
Next week, I will start selling tickets to my book launch events which will happen when the book becomes published. This is filled with mixed emotions for me. I am so excited about the book and would love to have as many people as possible celebrate with me through the launch events — but I am also always so worried about people liking me that I’m afraid to offend you by sending you these self-serving emails.
But, ultimately, I am trying to build a community grounded in a shared goal of finding greater success and happiness in our life, work, and leadership — what I call “The Safari Way.” So if that’s not for you, I totally understand; feel free to unsubscribe with no hard feelings.
I want to be left with a jeep full of peeps who are encouraging each other forward; celebrating victories together; and riding through the Serengeti of life with the top down and wind blowing through our air (or where our hair used to be). 😁
So, in summary…
1) Let’s celebrate our victories more
2) You are invited to celebrate with me when launch events are announced next week
3) Tell me how I can celebrate with you or support your dreams!
I know this is sent to an email list, which feels impersonal, but I do review it regularly to see who is on the list and to feel a personal connection with each of you.
Thank you for your ongoing encouragement and for being part of this community looking to live The Safari Way!
Until later,
Steve Fredlund, The Safari Dude
Life is an adventure. Make it epic.

Shoot me an email, connect on LinkedIn, subscribe on YouTube, consider coaching, find me at a conference, or whatever makes sense in your world.
About The Author

Steve Fredlund is The Safari Dude. As a professional actuary in human resources analytics, he uncovered surprising factors that enhance employee engagement, and work enjoyment; key elements for effectiveness, enhanced retention, productivity, and organizational success.
Minnesota to Rwanda, nonprofit to corporate, start-ups to Fortune 500 companies he brings to your event thirty years of leadership success. Steve’s personal safari mission is to help great leaders and their teams enjoy an epic safari by getting the right peeps in their jeeps and in the right seats.