What if Lord of the Rings wasn’t epic?

What do Kenny Rogers and Grain Elevators have in common?

I LOVE preparing and delivering talks to different groups of people. Tomorrow I get to share thoughts and have some fun with the Grain Elevator and Processing Society (GEAPS) in Minneapolis.

Not only do I get to talk about my research around how we can be happier and more successful in our lives, work, and leadership… I get to share those insights in a way that entertains and engages both myself and them!

I have been working on a parody of “The Gambler” by Kenny Rogers, specific to the grain elevator and processing industry.

I found myself laughing as I was writing and practicing it, and I think we’re going to have a blast singing it together. 😁

I will also be sharing what happens when we take the epic out of stories such as Lord of the Rings and Shawshank Redemption… which is what happens when we try to take the epic out of our lives, work, and leadership.

We are left with nothing anyone wants to see and a life that is insignificant.

And the reality is that even if we try hard, we can’t actually remove the ups and downs, highs and lows, and knowns and unknowns that are a natural part of our life “safari.”

It would be wonderful to hear your thoughts on this as I continue to look for the words that will inspire audiences—empowering them to begin a new chapter of their own epic adventures.

Steve Fredlund, The Safari Dude
Life is an adventure. Make it epic.

Shoot me an email, connect on LinkedIn, subscribe on YouTube, consider coaching, find me at a conference, or whatever makes sense in your world. 

About The Author

Steve Fredlund Keynote Speaker

Steve Fredlund is The Safari Dude. As a professional actuary in human resources analytics, he uncovered surprising factors that enhance employee engagement, and work enjoyment; key elements for effectiveness, enhanced retention, productivity, and organizational success.

Minnesota to Rwanda, nonprofit to corporate, start-ups to Fortune 500 companies he brings to your event thirty years of leadership success. Steve’s personal safari mission is to help great leaders and their teams enjoy an epic safari by getting the right peeps in their jeeps and in the right seats