What is your “unright” thing? 🤔 + book update!

The right thing to do is to keep working and reduce my to-do list.

The right thing to do is to focus on preparing for my talk in Iowa on Monday.

The right thing to do is to update my website and promo video.

The right thing to do is to not spend money going into the holidays.

That was my self-talk as I considered my idea to celebrate the completion of my book by traveling to Ohio State University and taking in a game at the Horseshoe, as the locals call it.

Since I was in elementary school, it’s been my dream to join the 100,000+ watching the marching band “dot the i” during Script Ohio, raising our voices as the home team runs out of the tunnel, and cheering for our victory.

I’ve always wanted to be part of that environment. To be part of the pep rally. To participate in tailgating. To have a seat in the stadium. 🤩

There are so many reasons to focus on the right thing. But as I outlined in my new book, my life has been filled with always doing the right thing & foregoing what I really wanted because others would not approve.

If ever there was a time to do the unright thing, this is it!

So I bought my ticket. Yeah, just one. And of course going to Columbus, Ohio to watch a football game by myself isn’t the right thing either. Well, maybe not in your eyes. But it’s exactly what I wanted to do; it’s exactly what I needed to do.

One choice at a time, I am reclaiming my life and doing the unright things from time to time.

And now I ask you, what is your unright thing? 🤔 Last weekend during a talk, I met a gentleman who decided he was finally going to take drum lessons after 50 years of not doing it because it wasn’t right.

What about you?

I would love to hear about it!

The image you see is not the final draft, but it’s getting closer. There is still time for input!

Thank you to the 30 or so of you who shared your thoughts on the different initial versions. I’m excited to keep moving forward.

And as for the manuscript itself, it is finished! We’re doing one final proofreading, but we are past copyediting and getting close to the final layout.

Thank you so much for those who were part of reading and reviewing the drafts; your feedback has improved the book and helped me better tell my story. Your friendship and support mean more than I can put into words.

I am going to start planning the book release and launch events. Stay tuned!

Any and all feedback or ideas are appreciated.

I’m excited to announce that I passed my goal of 18 paid speaking events in 2023, now having delivered/scheduled 21!As a result, I have updated my 2024 goal to 45 paid talks. And with 3 more booked this week, I am thrilled to share that 10 talks have been booked for 2024!

This included 19 talks the past three months in 8 different states: CA, IA, MN, NE, OH, SD, WI, and WV. 🤯

My favorite moment was singing “Country Roads” with 120 school nurses in West Virginia! It was a big risk, but it worked out awesome. Yet another unright thing.

I’m excited to only have three talks the rest of the year, all in Minnesota or Iowa, but of course will take more if they come up. I’m hoping to have time to finish off some consulting work, prepare for book launch, work on the business, and get in some disc golf as we ramp up for an exciting 2024.

It’s been an amazing ride and I have so many people to thank – you know who you are. 😊


Steve Fredlund
The Safari Dude
Life is an adventure. Make it epic.

Shoot me an email, connect on LinkedIn, subscribe on YouTube, consider coaching, find me at a conference, or whatever makes sense in your world. 

About The Author

Steve Fredlund Keynote Speaker

Steve Fredlund is The Safari Dude. As a professional actuary in human resources analytics, he uncovered surprising factors that enhance employee engagement, and work enjoyment; key elements for effectiveness, enhanced retention, productivity, and organizational success.

Minnesota to Rwanda, nonprofit to corporate, start-ups to Fortune 500 companies he brings to your event thirty years of leadership success. Steve’s personal safari mission is to help great leaders and their teams enjoy an epic safari by getting the right peeps in their jeeps and in the right seats