Win a Hippo

Greetings fellow life navigators and intrepid explorers…welcome to your May 2024 Newsletter!

I need your help – and am offering an authentic, hand-made soapstone hippo for the best insight.

The last of my “Big 5” keys to finding greater happiness “The Safari Way” is to “Embrace the Adventure.” This is all about recognizing that life is full of ups & downs, highs & lows, knowns & unknowns… just like an African safari. 

Even though we might not like this, it is the very nature of our humanity — it’s what it means to be human. 

So much unhappiness is found in trying so hard to do everything right as an effort to curate a perfect life, free from pain, sadness, and frustration. But we can’t do it… we can’t control everything in our life; the actions of others, medical test results, global pandemics…

Instead, happiness emerges when we really grasp and accept the fact that life is like a safari — filled with ups & downs, highs & lows, knowns & unknowns — and it will be regardless of how hard we try to prevent it. 

As Helen Keller said, “Life is either an epic adventure, or it is nothing at all.” 

So, where do I need your help?

I’m looking for powerful quotes I can use in my talk that get at the heart of this — and I’m looking for a broadly recognizable song to sing during my talks (that others can sing along with) — and I’m looking for books or talks or other resources that I can share with people to help them along this journey.

The reward?

1) Everyone who responds to this will get my gratitude for being a Peep in my Jeep. It’s not worth anything materially, but it’s the only thing I can offer all of you 🙂 

2) Whoever offers the greatest insight and impact that I can use to enhance the happiness of others will get the soapstone hippo pictured above. Seriously… yeah, it’s really cool and heavy. I will ship it to you (unless I am going to be seeing you soon in person). 

Whether you respond or not, my hope for all of us is that no matter what chapter of our book we are in — no matter what the current scene of our move is — we will be able to embrace the epic adventure of life!

I maintain a separate email list for those wanting to receive updates about potential upcoming African safaris. Yesterday I sent out an email to those who are on the list. 

If you did not get that email but would like to stay informed, respond to this email and let me know! I will forward you the email and keep you posted.

Because here’s the deal…. I am starting to plan the next trip!

It could be as early as this November or as late as next June. In that email, I start laying out options and pricing, and collecting information about those who think there is potential.

April was a historic month in the journey of The Safari Way… thanks to many of you!

The 10 talks I gave were the most ever in a single month. Some of you are new “peeps in the jeep” as a result of the past month, while others of you have been part of this adventure for a while.

Welcome to those of you who jumped in the jeep during events during April: 

  • April 2 – Coralville, IA
  • April 3 – Fairmont, NE
  • April 4 – Altoona, IA
  • April 10 – St. Cloud, MN
  • April 11 – Ely, MN
  • April 16 – Sioux Falls, SD
  • April 19 – Cambridge, MN
  • April 24 – Des Moines, IA
  • April 25 – Des Moines, IA
  • April 26 – Wausau, WI

And we are excited to pick up some new peeps in upcoming stops in May:

  • May 1 – Hyattsville, MD
  • May 7 – Nisswa, MN
  • May 9 – Brainerd, MN
  • May 15 – Plover, WI

Also in May: I am doing a short speakers showcase on May 6 in Minneapolis and officiating a wedding on May 23 in Spooner, WI. 

Here’s hoping our paths cross somewhere along our journey!

What experience do you truly, authentically want to have?

Do you have the right peeps in your jeep?

Are you doing the unright things?

How do you pause and take in the view?

Do you embrace your epic adventure?

These are the 5 key questions that lead to an epic African safari + also lead to greater happiness in our life, work, and leadership. 

My invitation is for all of us to consider the area(s) of our lives where we could use a little more happiness… And to start asking ourselves these questions. They have changed my life in remarkable ways and I believe they can do the same for you and those you care about!

Thrilled to be with you on this Epic Adventure!

Maisha ni safari

(Swahili… Life is a Safari)

Steve Fredlund,
The Safari Dude
Life is an adventure. Make it epic.

Shoot me an email, connect on LinkedIn, subscribe on YouTube, consider coaching, find me at a conference, or whatever makes sense in your world. 

About The Author

Steve Fredlund Keynote Speaker

Steve Fredlund is The Safari Dude. As a professional actuary in human resources analytics, he uncovered surprising factors that enhance employee engagement, and work enjoyment; key elements for effectiveness, enhanced retention, productivity, and organizational success.

Minnesota to Rwanda, nonprofit to corporate, start-ups to Fortune 500 companies he brings to your event thirty years of leadership success. Steve’s personal safari mission is to help great leaders and their teams enjoy an epic safari by getting the right peeps in their jeeps and in the right seats