Happier Leader Jumpstart – Part 1: Introduction to Becoming Happier

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So, here’s a question for you: What can we do as leaders to become happier?

Each of us has been through up and down seasons of life. I know I have been in my corporate world, the nonprofit world, volunteering, running a business myself, and helping other entrepreneurs. There are periods of happiness and there are times when it is just not a good thing to be a leader.

The challenge of happiness really hit me about 15 years ago as I walked back and forth across the Stone Arch Bridge in Minneapolis, day after day, trying to figure out why I wasn’t happy. It didn’t make any sense. That was when I started looking for answers and that has continued over these fifteen years as I continue looking for increased happiness for myself and other leaders. I’ve looked closely at the seasons of life when I’ve been the happiest and those I haven’t been; I have been talking to other people, and I have been doing research to learn what I need to actually be helpful to others.

And you know what? Those insights have come, and as I have shared with others I am seeing myself and other leaders become happier. It turns out there are some real practical things that are going on in our lives and in our leadership that is causing us to be less happy. And I want to introduce a few of those things to you during these blogs, which are written to complement the videos available on my YouTube channel or the blog posts at SteveFredlund.com.

I want myself and other leaders to be happier. As you will see, the key is going to be intentionality. We’re going to intentionally look at our lives and our leadership. Where are those spaces where we haven’t really been intentional? Where have we allowed ourselves to have things crept in that are causing us to be unhappy? Maybe these are one-time things or maybe they have been accumulating over the years.

So, stick around. This is a new thing I’m doing. I’m going to start sharing these insights with you on a regular basis. And I’m so excited because of the impact on my life; I can sense the momentum moving toward happiness, and I am hopeful for the future.

As I talk about this with others and share my insights with different audiences through keynotes, workshops, and coaching, they are also becoming happier. It is a fund to have a front-row seat for that!

So, stick around, connect with me and I’m going to share more of these insights as we go. I want to get this information out to you because I don’t want you to go another day, another week, another month, another year, where you are less happy than you could be.

The world needs effective leaders, but they also need effective leaders who are happy. Because eventually, if you are not happy, your leadership effectiveness is going to break down. Your relationships are going to break down. The trust people have in you is going to break down. Because, who wants to follow a crabby leader?

Let’s get you happy being a leader! So, reach out, connect, and let’s see what happens.

Read part 2 here.

Steve Fredlund is available to speak at your event; he also does workshops and coaching to help you and your team become happier leaders. 

Please go to SteveFredlund.com to find out more, including a link to set up an exploratory call with Steve.