STEVE PODCAST GUEST: Want to Be Happier? Get Your Happiness Peeps In Your Jeep

In today's fast-paced world, finding happiness can be elusive. In a recent episode of Flow Working the Entrepreneurs Podcast, we discussed the importance of clarity, intentionality, and aligning personal values with entrepreneurial pursuits. Happiness is a choice we make every day, rooted in a positive mindset and focusing on what we can control. Reflecting on my own journey, I transitioned from a corporate career to entrepreneurship driven by my pursuit of happiness and passion for helping small businesses thrive. By being true to ourselves, exploring new experiences, and embracing self-awareness, we can uncover true desires and create a life filled with happiness and fulfillment.

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This time, I want to talk to you about the importance of finding happiness in your life. In today’s fast-paced world, happiness can feel like an elusive concept. We all want to be happy, but what does it really mean? Is it achievable, or just a fleeting emotion? In this episode of Flow Working the Entrepreneurs Podcast, our host Megan Anderson sat down with me to discuss what it takes to become happier, the roles clarity and intentionality play, and why happiness is really just a decision away.

I spent 25 years in the corporate world, doing analytical things in Fortune 500 companies, before deciding to launch out on my own in 2018. Part of my decision to become an entrepreneur was driven by my own journey of happiness, which I admit was at a low end. But it was also driven by my passion for entrepreneurship and helping small businesses thrive.

As I started working with micro-businesses, entrepreneurs, partnerships, and mom and pop shops in rural communities, I realized that my own journey of happiness was intertwined with my work. As these businesses succeeded, I saw their communities become more vibrant. Through my problem-solving experiences, I started learning more about happiness and how to become a better problem solver.

For me, happiness is not a one-size-fits-all concept. It is a personal journey of self-discovery that requires clarity and intentionality. I encourage entrepreneurs to take the time to reflect on their own values, strengths, and passions, and align their businesses with them. I believe that when entrepreneurs are clear on their purpose and intention, they are more likely to find happiness and fulfillment in their work.

I also emphasize that happiness is a choice. It’s not something that can be found outside of ourselves. Instead, it’s a decision we make every day, in how we choose to approach challenges, interact with others, and view our circumstances. By adopting a positive mindset and focusing on what we can control, we can cultivate happiness and resilience, even in difficult times.

One of the problems with the corporate world is that it often leaves people feeling unfulfilled. Despite the great pay and benefits, many people find themselves wondering what’s wrong with them when everything looks so great on paper. I can relate to this feeling because I’ve been there myself.

I loved my corporate career and all the perks that came with it, but I realized that it wasn’t making me happy. Despite having a great job, a loving wife, and wonderful kids, I was miserable. This led me on a journey to uncover what was missing in my life and to find true happiness.

For me, the journey to happiness started with periods of unhappiness. I had to question myself, and that’s when I found clarity. Clarity is an essential element of finding happiness, but it’s not enough on its own. You also have to add intentionality. You need to have a plan for how you’re going to use that clarity to make changes in your life.

If you’re feeling unhappy, take the time to reflect on your priorities and values. Are they aligned with your current job and lifestyle? If not, it may be time to make some changes. This can be a scary and daunting process, but I encourage you to take small steps towards your goals. This could mean exploring a new hobby or interest, networking with others in a different industry, or even taking a sabbatical to travel and gain new experiences.

The key is to be open and curious about the possibilities. As we evolve and grow as individuals, our priorities and values may change, and that’s okay. It’s important to be true to ourselves and pursue what truly makes us happy.

Another important element of finding happiness is understanding who you are. It means taking the time to reflect on your values, strengths, weaknesses, and beliefs. When you know yourself well, you can make choices that align with your true desires and goals. This self-awareness can also help you navigate challenges more effectively and build more meaningful relationships with others.

About The Author

Steve Fredlund Keynote Speaker

Steve Fredlund is The Safari Dude. As a professional actuary in human resources analytics, he uncovered surprising factors that enhance employee engagement, and work enjoyment; key elements for effectiveness, enhanced retention, productivity, and organizational success.

Minnesota to Rwanda, nonprofit to corporate, start-ups to Fortune 500 companies he brings to your event thirty years of leadership success. Steve’s personal safari mission is to help great leaders and their teams enjoy an epic safari by getting the right peeps in their jeeps and in the right seats

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